It‘s hard to keep up with news of all Countries’ National Congresses but now it‘s time to talk about 2021 Denmark NC! ⤵
Our JCI Lithuania President Marija Kiverytė with JCI Member Mažvydas Puidokas went to visit colleagues in Denmark on October 1st-3rd. This event brought 180 JCI Members from different countries together.
- On Friday, a themed party was held, each local chapter was dressed in a particular profession.
- The public speaking championship, beer tasting, presentations of candidates and Gala night took place on Saturday.
- The General Assembly and the Trade Show were held on Sunday, during which a strategy game was played.
We would like to thank 2021 JCI Denmark President Lena Schroderand for leading JCI Denmark organisation and the work that she and her team did.
Congratulations to the newly elected 2022 JCI Denmark President Kasper le Fevre! Wishing you a productive and successful year!
Thank You JCI Denmark for the warm welcome and showing around your beautiful country!