The JCI National Lithuania-Norway Convention took place on 22-24 October and it flew incredibly fast!
We would like to thank:
- incredible and wonderful key-note speaker Marcus Orlovsky who is multiple TEDx host, inspirator with nearly a 30-year experience of working in the field of education!
- all participants for attending the conference. Without you, the event would be different.
- Our partners Kmyninė for delicious pastries and Vilniaus miesto savivaldybė for the premises provided on Saturday.
We would like to congratulate:
- the newly elected 2022 JCI Lithuania President President Mažvydas Puidokas. We wish you a successful and productive year!
- the elected 2022 JCI Lithuania VP for Membership Dovilė Uždavinytė.
- Evy Marie Tofte, who has been elected again to be JCI Norway President 2022!
- the new JCI Norwegian member Anne Wold!
We are happy to share that JCI Kaunas has two new senators Dovilė Žiaukienė, Senators No.79982 and Aušra Paulauskienė, Senator’s No. 79983!
It was a pleasure to have ASE President (Association of JCI Senators in Europe) Aud Schjødt Fredriksen among Convention participants.