Free Workshop with German Bussiness Coach: How to Create a High-Performance Team

Managing Success: How to Create a High-Performance Team

This lecture-style workshop is designed for students who are interested in developing the skills and knowledge needed to build and lead a successful team.

Throughout this workshop, we will cover the key principles of team management, including defining clear objectives, setting measurable goals, effective communication, and fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation.

You will also explore the key traits of high-performing teams, including trust, accountability, and a shared sense of purpose.

By the end of this workshop, you will have the knowledge and skills needed to create a high-performance team that can achieve outstanding results, whether in your academic, personal or professional life.

– Understand the principles of team management
– Learn how to define clear objectives and set measurable goals
– Develop effective communication channels within your team
– Foster a culture of collaboration and innovation
– Explore the key traits of high-performing teams
– Apply these principles to achieve outstanding results.

Marlen Wehner – Positive Leadership Trainer and Business Coach:

– Certified Trainer for the persolog® Personality Mode
– Certified Practitioner and Consultant for Positive Psychology
– Certified Creative Coach for the Thinking with Hands® Method
– Certified Individual Psychology Management Trainer and Business Coach
– Certified (DGSL) Trainer for Accelerated Learning
– Magistra Artium at Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena Media Science with focus on Communication Science, minor subjects Psychology and Sociology

So, come ready to learn, engage, and become a successful team leader!