JCI Maskva kviečia prisijungti į online verslo konferenciją jau šią savaitę, rugsėjo 17 dieną. Originali žinutė iš JCI Maskvos žemiau:
Dear friends, JCI members!
In this period, when borders around the world are closed, leaders and entrepreneurs from different countries do not have the opportunity to communicate with each other, we decided to hold an online event that will bring together JCI participants from Europe and Asia.
The first JCI Euro-Asian online business conference will be held on September 17, 2020.
We plan to gather more than 3000 people online from more than 40 countries of Europe and Asia. You will find presentations by the world’s leading speakers and entrepreneurs, lectures, master classes on developing leadership and entrepreneurial skills, project competition, and business networking. This is a conference for entrepreneurs, investors, startups, project authors who are looking for partners, new friends, new markets for their products and services.
Join us! www.jci.business